October 26, 2008

Stolen Afternoon

The homecoming festivities were last night, and Laws - what remained of it - was under siege. The river of black and gold flowed by as Jorge and I, in what is already half a tradition - watched a movie. This time it was "When Harry Met Sally" and Denisse watched some of it with us. She wore a nice dress and she was cutting an apple with a little knife.

I decided I wanted food right after the kitchen closed, so we made do as best we could with my pantry and microwave. I made Dal Fry with Chickpeas and we ate it with some Tandoori Nan on my lap desk, propped up by a pillow in the center of the room.

Jorge: "So, if we are eating Arab style, we ought to start behaving Arab style. That means... my god, where is your scarf and why are you eating with men?"

Me: "Well, if I'm eating with men, then we're not exactly eating Arab style, now are we?"

Jorge: "..."

This while the majority of the populace was out indulging in various forms of drunken revelry.

And today the weather was amazing. Probably the best weather since coming to Mizzou. It was warm in the sun with a cold breeze and there were thousands of golden leaves dancing in the wind, moving over the streets like something alive and swirling against the blue sky.

I felt that it was somehow a bonus for those of us who weren't too hung over to enjoy it. XD Jorge and I went to the library and I got the books I needed to begin my project about Euskera. Then he went to Chipotle and it was so nice that we decided to take a walk. We went to the edge of campus, to a horse farm and some agricultural buildings until the road seemed to go on indefinitely and we turned back. We ate at Baja Grill for the first time and it was lovely.

It actually was a relief to not have all you can eat food... I finished the whole thing! :D And it was delicious. I had Tilapia Tacos and a Chocolate-Banana Quesadilla.

A really nice day. :D

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