October 21, 2008

Faroese Sentences

This is the last set of sentences I'm going to make with this _____ has ____ pattern. I've pretty much exhausted the verb "Hava"... to have. I even know that the past participle version is Havt, and that the present participle is Havandi. I could use them, except it doesn't often make sense to do so, and I didn't really know enough Faroese to come up with one of the weird sentences that would allow it. :)

I am also getting fairly familiar with bending masculine nouns, though I decided not to use Class 2 in these sentences for some reason... Not really sure why as they're pretty similar to Class 1. :D Well, next time. I also tackled the most irregular feminine class, class 4. Next time I'm going to learn 2 or 3 new verbs and write some sentences using those and perhaps the other feminine classes. I should probably get Masculine Class 2 out of the way as well, and then I'll just have Neuter nouns before I conquer the world of nouns completely! Muahahah. Okay, here they are.


At Hava

Masculine Class 1

Masculine Class 3

Feminine Class 4

Týsdagur, 21. Oktober 2008

1. Rósan hevur broddar.

2. Presturin hevði eina syklu.

3. Bankarnir hava pengarnar.

4. Eg havi fingrar.

5. Dómarin hevur eina byrðu.

6. Læknarnir hava stivlar.

7. Danskarin hevði gávuna.

8. Onglendingurin hevur ein arm.

9. Elsuba hevði eina dukku.

10. Fíggindin hevur ein kjallara.

11. Mánan hevur eina søgu.

12. Gentur hava dukkur.

13. Konur hava byrður.

14. Lundin hevði ein hala.

15. Jødin hevur eina tungu.

16. Vikingurin hevði ein knív.

17. Føroyingurin hevur ein næmingur.

18. Ein snigil hevði ein brunn.

19. Býttlingurin hevur ein bólt.

20. Gud hevur ein buss.

21. Kirkjan hevði eina gøtu.

22. Maðurin hevur ein stól.

23. Svenskarin hevur ein ring.

24. Hundurin hevur ein gaffil.

25. Ólavur hevur ein bil.

26. Hetjurnar høvdu fíggindar.

27. Hevur tú ein garð?

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