October 22, 2008

Status Update

I like:
and Psychology...

I have decided that I would like to be an anthropological journalist.

What? It incorporates everything except for psychology. And even that if you stretch it. XD

I can still be a Spanish teacher as a back up, and a job to have after my kids are born and then... at least until they are 12 or so. At that point I can go back to the journalism... or not.

I suspect I'll have to triple major in Spanish, some form of Journalism, and then... Anthropology or something. I'll see what my academic adviser recommends. I think I can triple major. I'm willing to take a full course load every semester, and attend school for five years. I do want to study abroad a lot, but Spanish would definitely allow it (if I did a lot of my Spanish work while studying abroad, that would free up other times too)... and Journalism and Anthropology, while not really... encouraging it, would certainly see the value of such an experience.

:D I am serious about this.

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