January 14, 2009


To all of my friends who use Celsius - I am sorry, but you simply cannot understand the idea of subzero temperatures the way we do over here.

Tomorrow the low will be below zero degrees Fahrenheit, with the windchill around -17 Fahrenheit. The equivalents in Celsius would be a temperature of -18, with a windchill of -27.

So no, we don't have a nice, steady, snowy winter here in Missouri. In fact, we haven't even had any decent snow this year, and we've had a day or two where it could have been mid fall, from the temperature.

But don't ever get to thinking that we don't know what cold means.


Jimmy Archer said...

*looks over to the prairies and their -50 C

Elindomiel said...

Haha, you win of course. ;) This was mainly directed at Scandinavians.

But still, 'subzero' in celsius means nothing. 'Subzero' in Fahrenheit means you're serious.