January 30, 2009

Another Voice From the Past

I walk into the German classroom. The teacher turns to me, and, in German, says,

"Miranda, I heard something interesting. I heard that you could write Elvish"

To say I was surprised would be an understatement. Especially in German, I was at a loss for words.

"Wo hast du das gehört?" I managed. (Where did you hear that?)

"Mo Canellas," she says, and it all makes sense. Now I remembered the conversation from a couple days back, when I realized that she had Maureen in one of her classes. But still. Wow. And I wonder what they were talking about that led to that fact being shared.

"Is it painful?" she asked, sensing my continued shock.

"No, it isn't painful," I said, a little bit offended at the question, if truth be told. That was a part of me. A long ago part, but part of me just the same, and I wouldn't even chose to cast it away, if I could. No, it isn't painful, I'm not ashamed, "I'm just surprised."

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