January 30, 2009


I was thinking about making cream cheese swirl brownies, but I didn't have a brownie pan, so I was just lazy and made some slice and bake cookies instead. My pan was still small, though, so I had to make one batch and then, right as I was about to put in the second, the British girls came down to bake a cake for the same event. That's fine, because they had a lot of organizing and stirring to do before they would need the oven, so I hurried and put in another pan of cookies. But around the same time that the timer would have gone off, they started using the blender... And a few minutes later I though, "What happened to the timer...?" Sure enough, the cookies were burnt. Not horribly burnt, mind you, but I didn't want to take them to the potluck, so I fed them to my friends at Laws, who loved them. And Tomomi was so sweet, she washed all of the dishes because she ate one of the cookies! :D

Later Pai picked me up and we left. I found out that Kanchana goes by Ju, and Chaowalit goes by Pai. XD It finally makes sense now! I knew I couldn't be pronouncing Kanchana THAT badly...

"Ju" made a delicious soup for the party. It was a Thai mushroom-chicken type soup. They warned me that it was spicy, but it was that kind of spicy that is warm and fine in your mouth, and then burns as you swallow. Which is actually the kind I prefer, because the flavour seems to be changing as you eat it. It's a really warm feeling soup. I kept getting more and more tiny bowls of it. The Serbian dessert (some sort of egg, cream, sugar concoction) was also really good.

I met a lot of people at the party, although I found out that most of them are a lot older than me. It's funny, how ordinary people walking down the street mistake me for being quite young, but at a party I always wind up talking to upperclassmen or graduate students. I met a senior here named Austin Coates who studies Journalism and spent the last semester 'at sea' - he's spent a pair of days almost everywhere, including South Africa and with a host family in India. So he's definitely got some cool stories. His plan for next year is to drive the Wienermobile... okay... XD

I met Mammajamma Jess Fischer at last. It turns out that it is her apartment where most of the parties are held. (Austin Coates lives there too) I also (finally) met the Danish girl. But more on that later. ;)

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