January 20, 2009


I had a lot of things that I wanted to get done today, which didn't all happen. Still, I bought notebooks for the semester, and Foliotek, which I needed for two classes. I went to the pool with Laura, Laura, Tabi, Justin, and new Tom, which was fun. I got a microscopic amount of work done on my room, and I almost finished working through the genealogy information I dug up. It's really confusing and hard to read, but I've got it worked out from me all the way to THE Charboneau, and it's there that I'm missing a link or two between him and when the first Charboneau's came to America. Tomomi and Mitsuki came in and talked to me for a really long time. :D That was nice, but I wasn't in a great talking mood, and they kind of let me do most of the talking, and we were all standing... I just kept getting more and more tired and weak feeling. Mitsuki left and then Tomomi stayed for a while and we talked more. I had planned to study German, do some really good class preparing, or room clean, or all three, but I felt so weak and tired that I just studied modal particles in German and Norwegian for a few minutes, and then went to bed. I have no idea why I'm so tired... okay, well, I have some ideas, but I hope I recover soon...

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