January 26, 2009

Leijonakuningas 3: Islanti

I spent a few hours last night trying to get my computer to play region 2 disks so I could watch my Finnish copy of Lion King 1 1/2. When it finally played, I realized that the subtitled didn't line up with the words... not only were they not translations of each other, they weren't even close to being the written form of what was said. Given that, I elected to watch the Icelandic version. I actually understood a decent amount, maybe 15-20%, of which it was maybe 1-2% English - Icelandic Cognates, 5-8% Norwegian - Icelandic Cognates, and 9-10% Faroese - Icelandic Cognates. I can well imagine that if you were fluent in Faroese, you could probably make out about 50% (or more?) of Icelandic. Anyway, it was a fun exercise. And I get to sleep in tomorrow! :D

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