February 07, 2009

The Weather of a Week in Missouri

Last weekend the weather was lovely and I watched the wind play in the little artificial puddles over the volleyball pit, setting ripples in the water, which the sun shone through and made me think of summer days and little wooden and paper sailboats...

Monday and Tuesday we were plunged back fully into the winter, far below zero, and forgetting to check the temperature Monday I headed out into the world with only a warm coat, and no gloves or scarf or hat. And I thought I was going to lose my ears...

Wednesday I wore gloves, but determined to catch an hour of solitude, I spent a while leaning against a tree, bundled up, sketching German houses and paella on my Molskine vocabulary notebooks...

By Thursday I was carrying the coat over my shoulder, with my sleeves pushed up past my elbows. That evening was a scavenger hunt, and the air held that pregnant, expectant feeling of an Indian summer...

Friday we went wading in a spring, with ice still on the water... but it felt like summer as we laughed and lay back in the grass which clung to our clothes, brittle and yellow as it is this time of year...

Today Tabi and I went downstairs, where people were enjoying the warm evening like Scandinavians in summer time, and outdoor seating and ice cream places had been reopened for just a few days, to catch this mini-season...

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