August 17, 2006

First Five

Well, the homework in German tonight was to read the first five pages of the book, and I was ambitious. So I wrote down all the words I didn't know on the first scan. Then, I went back, and used word parts I already knew, sometimes taking words apart, and made my best guess at their meanings. Finally, I looked them up, although in one or two cases the dictionary didn't have the word. Results:

beliebteste - (be-liebt-este) - Most beloved - Most popular
Reiseziel - (Reise - ziel) - Travel - Destination
zahlreichen - (zahl - reich - en) - Empire - Numerous
barocken - Baroque - Baroque
malerischen - Picturesque
Forstwirtschaft - (Forst - wirt - schaft) - Forest...?
wichtig - Relevant
zunehmend - Increasingly
Rolle - Role? - Role
Lüftmalerei - (Lüft - Malerei) - Air Picture - ?
Gasthaus - (Gast - Haus) - Guest House - Inn, Hotel
Zwiebelturm - (Zwiebel - turm) - ? - Onion Steeple, Tower
Halstuch - Bandanna, Scarf

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