April 16, 2009

Study Abroad Selections (II)

Recap: These are the places I'll most likely study abroad.

A Semester in Pamplona, Spain:

Yes, this is where they have the Running of the Bulls.

A Semester in Bonn, Germany.

A Semester in Bergen, Norway.

And maybe a summer internship in Buenos Aires, Argentina:


Elizabeth Braun said...

You have 3 semesters per academic year? Isn't that an oxymoron?? Term maybe??

The Taiwanese confuse 'semester' with any study period and some of their Chinese language schools offer as many as 4 semesters per year!! One's got wise and uses 'Quarter' instead.=)

Elindomiel said...

Nice guess, but I'm spending a year and a half abroad, so I think it works out. :P