March 04, 2009

University Update

I am starting to feel less 'grey'. I'm getting more involved in things, being less bored and less borderline depressed. But whether as a result of the slump, or of trying to entertain myself as I crept out of it, I have not been doing as well as I could be in school.

I have an A in both of my Journalism classes as of now, but I haven't done hardly any of the 'assignments' which I need to do by the end of the year or by spring break. That means I'll be busy this weekend catching up.

Statistics? I have a high B. But what is frustrating is that I assumed I would get a B because the subject matter would be difficult. So far it is easy. But I have been stupid - I have forgotten to take two of the online quizzes, and I was only semi-happy with my test score.

Spanish and German? They're okay, I guess. I have a solid A in German and it's the only class that I am 100% not worried about. My Spanish teacher eats my soul and despite some of my best work on essays, etc, he seems completely displeased. I BARELY have an A in there, but I can't complain because it seems to be the best, or at least in the top three, of my classmates. (All the people I talked to failed the test I got an 85% on) I have heard that his class is tough, but that he curves at the end. We'll see...

Government? Ugh. This is the worst. The test was really unfair, at least for me personally. It surprise played on all of my weaknesses and none of my strengths - all "Federalist paper ____ was about fajldjfoaiejflajfkdljz". I don't do numbers. I don't do them. They are hard enough for me if I know specifically that I must memorize them. I didn't. I thought that class would be an annoying, but fairly painless A. Surprise. I think I'll have to work (not kill myself, but work) to get a B.

Essentially: I accept a B in Government. I am willing to accept a B in Statistics. In Language and Journalism, I must not allow it to happen. It is early on in the semester and I have plenty of time to take ahold of the situation, but I need to start doing so...

On another note, I'm pretty much failing at all of my correspondances. I owe a lot of people letters and emails.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Braun said...

But does it matter? I mean, really, does it *matter*? It's perfectly OK to not get an A in all subjects, although I know it's hard to adjust if you're used to getting top marks all the time.=) However, in the grand scheme of things, a B is no tragedy. Actually, it's very good. Try not to be over-demanding, or you'll lose all the joy of your studies and that would be a shame. I sometimes think of the Earth itself and things like gravity and the sun warming the planet to help keep me balanced and focused. If I don't get 100% for my music theory exam this afternoon, the sun won't stop shining and the Earth won't explode! I may be a tad disappointed, but I'll even learn to be pleased with 96% later on!!!=) So, try not to be too hard on yourself, but be pleased with yourself. Don't treat yourself worse than you treat others!=)

If you're worried about your Spanish class, go and have a talk with the teacher. Most problems can be solved, or at least alleviated, by good communication. As you got 85% in a test others flunked badly, you're obviously doing extremely well, but if you're concerned, talk to the prof.

I'll answer your questions about my languages on-blog later on.=)

Keep up your good, hard work, but remember that there's more to life than a series of straight As. If you can get past that 'I MUST get an A' feeling, you'll probably find that you'll be feeling much happier with yourself in general. Oh, and most of us are behind in keeping up with friends. It's the electronic world that does it - makes us think we ought to mail everyone every day. Eeech!