March 04, 2009

I am 48% Finnish!

How Finnish are you?

[ ] Both of your parents are Finnish.
[ ] You were born in Finland.
[ ] Your last name ends with either -nen or -la/-lä.
[] You know at least five people, whose names are Matti/Pekka/Juhani/Liisa/Susanna/Elina.
[ ] Your name is Matti/Pekka/Juhani/Liisa/Susanna/Elina.
[ ] You are an alcoholic.
[x] You are/have been depressed or know at least five people who are/have been depressed.
[ ] It is a huge media event when a foreign B-list celebrity mentions your homeland.
[x] To you "tan" means being a different colour than a frost of snow.
[x] You are infinetely interested in what foreigners have to say about your homeland.

Score so far: 3

[] You like pea soup and know which dessert and day of the week it should go with.
[x] You love chocolate and/or salmiakki.
[x] You love rye bread.
[x] You have bought "sausage and potato" from a fast food stand. (Arguable)
[ ] You have fought at a fast food stand queue. (Arguable. So I'll take the first one but not this one)
[ ] You drink multiple cups of coffee in a day.
[ ] You eat potato almost every day.
[ ] Independence day should be celebrated by lighting two candles and watching how the president shakes hands with celebrities for two hours.
[ ] You still reminisce the ice hockey world championship in 1995.
[x] You still reminisce how "aja hiljaa sillalla" as pronounced by Aino Ackté won the title of most beautiful sentence in the Paris World Fair in 1900.

Score so far: 7

[] You go "Nordic walking" (walking with two poles).
[x] You listen to heavy music.
[] You watch formula 1 and/or ski jumping.
[x] You pick berries and/or go mushrooming. (When I can XD)
[x] You have or your family has a summer cottage.
[x] You celebrate Midsummer. (Sometimes all by myself)
[x] You sauna bathe on a regular basis.
[] You think that hugging is for lovers.
[x] You speak English with a foreigner, even though you know that (s)he understands Finnish. Then again you speak Finnish with a foreigner, even though you know that (s)he doesn't understand it. (Nyeheheheh)
[] Most songs that aren't in minor are not good.

Score so far: 13

[x] You own something that's by Marimekko.
[x] You own a product with Marimekko's "Unikko" pattern on it. (It's free though... none of the things I actually bought there have the Unikko pattern... but I got BETTER patterns!! Nyehehehe)
[x] You have dishes/kitchen supplies by Iittala/Arabia/Hackman. (Long live my cheese cutter)
[] You read the "Donald Duck" magazine.
[x] You love Moomins.(!! XD)
[] When talking about the president, you talk about "it," when talking about a pet guinea pig you talk about "him/her."
[x] You don't find lakes to be exotic. (Not lakes in general. Some lakes, sure.)
[] You know that you're not supposed to talk in the mornings.
[x] You wait for the traffic light to turn green, even though there are no cars around. (Not in small, pedestrian run cities, (not common here) but everywhere else)
[x] You find it normal that you don't run into a single person when on a walk. (Depends where and when. But the Midwest isn't super busy.)

Score so far: 19

[] Indoors it's too cold if it's not at least 20°C.
[] Outdoors 20°C is too hot.
[x] Less than 65°C in a sauna is cold. (XD)
[x] You don't have to wear a hat outside in sub zero temperatures. (Fahrenheit, no! But I think this means celsius)
[x] You know at least five words for different types of snow.
[] If a stranger smiles at you, you expect that (s)he is either drunk or foreign.
[] To you "European" means a person who's from Western Europe but not the Nordic countries. (Erm... sort of... I would probably call Nordic people Scandinavian instead of European, but when I hear European, I think of all of them)
[x] There are supposed to be silences within conversations and they don't bother you at all.
[x] You apologise for being even a minute late.
[] You understand, that "m" means "yes," "nngg" means "no" and "mnt" means "good morning."

Final score: 24
Multiply your score by two and you'll have your Finnish percentage.
Make "I am __% Finnish!" the title of your note.

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