March 11, 2009


In the morning I woke up begging, as if there was some higher power who held my fate in his hands, who could decide to let me out of my commitments for the day, four classes and afterwards the long walk to the elementary school to see Jo'Shawn... and today, when I was tired, still so tired, and my room was cold.

Last week it hit 26 (80 fahrenheit) degrees, and they turned the heat off for the spring, prematurely... Today it is -7 (20). The rain that fell so recently and tore through grass and mud to form rivers on sidewalks and turn gutters, briefly, into raging torrents was now frozen, I knew from long experience, like glass preserving our world for a museum.

So tired. So cold. The minutes on my microwave's clock flew away two by two, each time I closed my eyes.


Elizabeth Braun said...

Hey there!=)

Perhaps you need more sleep on a regular basis? Sometimes we get into the habit of getting a lot less than we need and thinking it's normal, when we're really running ourselves right down...

I remembered your comments about suffering depression (du arme) and liking metal music and thought this might prove helpful:
It seems that increasing numbers of studies are finding results like this that link behaviour and/or mood directly to choice of entertainment.

Elindomiel said...

Haha, yeah, I know lack of sleep is the problem! I was having a rough week. Much better now. ^^

And hmmm, that's very interesting! However, does it change things at all that I'm usually depressed about something fairly specific? It tends to revolve around four things:

- Stress :D
- Friends not sharing interests
- Lack of romantic relationships
- Impending Mortality

And, I listen to all kinds of music! But maybe it's better to stay away from metal when I'm already unhappy?