December 02, 2008

Closed Minds and Open Minds

Which of us is truly closed minded?

I had come to the opinion that - basic human rights aside - I was tolerant of all but intolerance, respectful of all but disrespect, forgiving of all save unforgiveness...
Did I set the bar too high? Or am I merely misguided? Either way, it appears not to work.

I came to University bearing the legend that students are an open minded group... Ha! High Schoolers were a thousand times more so.

But with whom does the problem lie?
Open-mindedness is supposed to be a great virtue, but I have also heard the phrase: If you're too open minded, your brains will fall out!
Prejudice and fear are supposedly bred of ignorance, but I see both sides using facts and figures, and I wonder...

Can idealism also spring from ignorance?

I judged them only for judging, but now I think how I must look to them for accepting what they cannot accept. It may look as hard to them as a blind eye to rape and murder.

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