June 01, 2006

Seven Deadly Sins

So these are what we have to watch out for:

Ego-fixations & deadly sins

The Enneagram types have also been correlated with the traditional Seven Deadly Sins plus two additional descriptors - 'deceit' and 'fear'. The '7 sins + 2' need to be understood in a much more specific meaning than usual.

Anger as a frustration in working hard to do things right, while the rest of the world doesn't care about doing things right and doesn't appreciate the sacrifice and effort made.

Pride as a self-inflation of ego, in the sense of seeing themselves as indispensable to others - they have no needs yet the world needs them.

Deceit in the misrepresentation of self by marketing and presenting an image valued by others rather than presenting an authentic self.

Envy of someone else reminds this individual that they can never be what the other person is, reawakening a sense of self-defectiveness.

Avarice in the sense of hoarding resources in an attempt to minimize needs from a world that takes more than it gives, thus isolating oneself from the world.

Fear often in the form of a generalized anxiety that can't find an actual source of fear yet may wrongly identify one through projection, possibly seeing enemies and danger where there are none.

Gluttony not in the sense of eating too much, but instead, of sampling a taste of everything the world has to offer (breadth) and not taking the time for richer experience (depth).

Lust in the sense of wanting more of what this individual finds stimulating to the point that most people would feel overwhelmed and say too much.

Sloth or laziness in discovering a personal agenda and instead choosing the less problematic strategy of just going along with others' agenda.

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