May 12, 2009

Finals Week Update

Allergies are getting worse, not better. The last week has been almost unbearable, and if things don't break soon, I don't know what I'm going to do. Nights are the worst - I can't just sleep through it, I wake up coughing and sneezing, too cold or too hot, and feeling like shit. And it makes it worse that I have a roommate, because, despite her insistence that it never wakes her up, I know I'm coughing really loudly and obnoxiously and a lot of times when it gets too bad I go to the bathroom to do it.

Anyway. This morning the plan was to take the German final, then work all day on my Spanish essay. I woke up on time and went to the German classroom only to see it full of strangers. I was really freaked out and thought that I had somehow missed the exam. Then I couldn't remember what day it was... Tuesdays are hard for me to remember because Mondays are so long, you know? Anyhow, I found out that ALL my exams are actually Wednesday! I thought two of them were Tuesday, haven't the faintest idea why. They were all in my calendar correctly. None of them conflict, luckily.

I started walking back and sat by the fountain for three or four minutes. The sound and coolness was nice. I woke up cold and had worn a long sleeve shirt and a jacket, but suddenly it was unbearably hot. I thought to myself that at least now I was woken up, I'd just pretend for my pride that that's why I had gone out, and I could start my Spanish essay. But I came back and spent an hour or so reading blogs before settling down to begin.

I don't feel like I'm getting that deep into the topic, but I feel like it's kind of difficult to. The topic is to explain the quote, "(something like) stories are fiction, but they reflect the truth.", using stories we have read in class. So far I've been going through and scanning the author bios for some idea about what's important to them, then talk about what problem, idea, or emotion (most common) they are trying to express with the invented elements of their story. I hope this is the right idea, but since there are many stories it feels kind of shallow... I dunno.

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