September 07, 2008

Chinese Food and Dorm Life

We had our Chinese food party today. Half of it was made by the Chinese students, and half of it we ordered in. All was delicious. It was fun to try different Chinese dishes than the few I've gotten into the trap of always ordering. And we received offers to be taken care of if we ever visit China. Anywhere in China. Quite an offer, if you think about it.

Tabby and I talked about where we would stay the rest of our college career, after the thought that after four years in Laws (International Dorm) we would be able to travel through the whole world staying with people we met. The whole thing became a bit of a headache... It's a bit pointless to think about it though, really. We are here now and we should enjoy this for what it is. :D And it's lovely. We're all living together, it's an adorable little community... ^^

Mayumi writes up a few vocabulary words each week and puts them on the back of her desk, so that it's the first thing she sees when she wakes up in the morning and the last thing she sees when she goes to bed at night. I'm thinking about imitating it. But for what language? :S Last week she had Flier, Razor, Get a Tan, Sunburn, Arrange, Put in Order, and a few others. This week she has Adorable, Underarm Hair, Seaweed, Squid, Gross, Disgusting, Mole, Firefly, Lightening Bug, and Ambulance. ^^
If I was a bit better at Japanese I could use her list and learn in reverse. Alas.

Still, Laura's studying Japanese and it's a bit funny, because she took it for a year in high school and I've never studied it formally. Still, my vocabulary is a bit higher than hers, although I'm willing to bet she has a more solid grip on the grammar and she's a MUCH faster reader. She has a quiz tomorrow so I helped her study, reading the words to her in Japanese. It was interesting because I had trouble reading them, whereas she seemed to interpret the symbols almost as easily as the Roman alphabet. However, we came out even because I was quicker with the vocabulary. :P

It was such a nice community feeling as we sat together studying and making up mnemonics. For example:

Shigoto: Job = What does Tabitha do on Fridays? She go to job.

Isha: Apple = "Isha" apple each day and you don't have to go to the doctor.

Gogo: PM = You sleep all morning so you can GO GO in the afternoon

Bengoshi: Lawyer = Ben (our P.A.) gets caught with alcohol, so... Ben Go "Shi" A Lawyer.

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