January 30, 2010

New Years Resolutions

1.) Live a Simpler Life

This is a good one because I'll probably achieve it in some way or another. Throughout my childhood I thrived in chaos and the idea of perfect order is still scary to me, but I've discovered the benefits of a healthy balance recently. I'd like to be more organized, get rid of some of my clutter - also keep better track of appointments and stuff. I'd even like my computer to run a little better, as it should if I take better care of it. I also just kept my emotions more simple and clear last semester, if that makes sense, and I don't want to let go of the lessons I learned from that. They've made me happier.

2.) Start Studying Abroad

My study abroad plans are still in limbo. I really hope that's resolved soon, and definitely by next year I'll have started studying abroad, even on the off chance that it's not next fall but rather next winter semester that's my first abroad.

3.) Start Thinking more about Journalism

Technically I still have another year or so before this becomes really essential. I'll study abroad for a year and still be firmly rooted in academia with no end in sight. I won't even start my sequence classes until I return. But I still need to start thinking about internships and such.

4.) Language Goals (of course...)

I'd like to learn some Hindi, focus a lot on Spanish and German since I'm taking those classes and probably studying there next year, and learn Catalan since I'm in that class, and, with the time I have left over, work on Faroese.

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