January 12, 2010

New Years Eve - Times Square (Part III)

8:30 - The rain slows. We dissemble to find our pen almost unrecognizable - so many people have left in the bad weather that it's only at one third capacity! Those who have stuck it out have started to capitalize on the empty space. On one side of the pen, someone has set up bowling with old starbucks cups as pins. Beside that, an awkward form of tennis, utilizing halves of pizza boxes as racquets, has been organized. Amy, Kelly, Allan, and I join a lively game of kick the can.

Photo: Allan, Amy, Kelly, and soon to be friend Adrienne play kick the can.

9:00 - Kick the Can goes on for a lively hour, pausing only at nine for the "Three hours to midnight!" countdown.

Photo: Our Kick the Can team!

9:30 - The police decide to let a few more people in to our newly emptied pen, so Kick the Can finally disperses after a group photo. In the aftermath, Amy and Kelly end up talking to the three boys from Maryland who played with us, while Allan and I meet the two German au-pairs, Michelle and Adrienne.

10:00 - Another countdown... only two hours to go now! Allan and I spend this one teaching the au-pairs how to play Go Fish!

10:30 - Since we still have a reasonable amount of room in the pen, Allan spontaneously decides to teach Michelle a few things about Scottish dancing. Amy, Kelly, and the Maryland boys descend upon us. Soon, we have about twelve people learning a six person dance from Allan. It involved a lot of spinning and going in circles, but it was fun!

Photo: Allan, Adrienne, and a Maryland boy dancing.

We took a break for a while, during which some American girls moved in and taught us an "American Dance" called Rock the Boat. This was pretty funny too, although Amy somehow escaped getting chosen to dance in the middle!

11:00 - Just one hour to go! But by now, we were having so much fun that we hardly noticed. Allan taught us a new dance accommodating a larger group. This one was based on an aisle of people, standing across from their partners, and a lot of switching of line heads and running down and around the aisle. We liked it even more than the first dance!

At one point, I'd say that up to twenty people were dancing, (including two cute little Canadian girls all dressed in red!), with many more watching. We had the attention of most of our pen and even some of the surrounding ones! I passed one guy who I hadn't even seen before describing the scene over the phone... a few others were taking video. In the atmosphere of skipping and laughing, it was impossible to be bored, cold, hungry, or tired. It was awesome!

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