April 30, 2007


The project is over, and I begin to live again. I reach out and touch my newfound time like it is something small and delicate, as if it will break if I am too eager...

Sunlight is incredible, really. It's so bright and yellow and clear and it lays in long lines upon the ground, mixed with the shadows of trees... It has become summer while I worked and noticed nothing.

I wake in worry and I keep my printed copy close beside me, as if to assure myself that it is still there... it is finished... it has been turned in.

Then, sleep. 8 hours stretched between 3 days...


Anonymous said...

Ah, Mr. McAllister- Christy was pretty sad about him today.

Me, I'm just wondering who's going to lead me on that wonderful adventure through another language.

It's so strange- I never pictured him as a computer specialist. He always seemed to be more of a Latin specialist. :)

Jimmy Archer said...

Congrats! :)