January 29, 2007

Himmel Donner Wetter

Sort of.

Alright, we're having an "Alberta Clipper". For my non-American readers, Alberta is in Canada, so basically it means we get their nice cold air for a while. Yay! That's good, it means February will be real winter this year (You never know, sometimes it snows in March, or even April... othertimes it's swimming weather by then). It also means we can expect a few more good snow storms.

Right now? Well, we had a really nice, sunny day... probably 60 degrees. Almost freaky, but we've had signifcantly worse this year. And then the cold moved in. It's nasty, disagreeable cold, with incredibly bright sun and dry air. It promises no snow.

Other news? Given the title of this post, it better be depressing.

The IP Project.

There's a good one.

What can I say? Can I hate my 'friends'? No, I can only say to myself "I wouldn't have done so." and mean it. And know it. Maybe it's because I am a Christian, or maybe I just have moral fiber, or maybe I have a spine. Who knows. I wouldn't have done it.

I firmly believe that they didn't do any of this out of malice. Or to hurt me in particular. No, it's just all so petty. A disagreement, a lack of honesty. Why stop at one when you can burn three people in order to get your perfect group? And make sure to take care of yourself first. High school is a dog eat dog world, after all. You have to keep your head above water.

Can I hate them? No. I always tell my mom, that you cannot truly blame people for being weak. And if there is one thing I try not to be, it is a hypocrite. There, you are all weak. And I do not hate you. I do not even truly blame you. And I'll probably never mention this again.

But I wouldn't have done it. And I cling to that...

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