January 07, 2007


Yay, the finals this semester are not very stressful, and the most stressful one is pretty much out of my hands...

English - I want to review vocabulary and maybe the "Love Nest" short story in preparation. English finals are hard to study for, but I want an A in the class and an A on the final would really help.

Chemistry - I'm doing a study session with Stephanie. I should have a solid B, and therefore no worries, but just to be safe...

Spanish - I don't know the exact status of my A, so it would probably be beneficial to study a little. Hopefully, if I get a B or an A, I'm fine.

Math - Even though as long as I get about a 70%, I've got a B, I think I'll study as much as possible. Math is hard.

Gym - Yeah... the final is to Squaredance....

Government - I'm going to the study session, but I don't think it will help and I don't think it needs to. I have a solid B.

German - Yeah, I'd have to get about a 25% on the final to kill my A. No studying.

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