January 14, 2007

Ice Storm

When I look outside, it looks like snow. It's quite easy to pretend. Then the wind blows, and a shower of meltwater lights the air like silver rain. The ice is so thick that it's wrapped the smallest twigs as thickly as my thumb, yet from far away the trees all look like glittering diamond chandeliers, and the fields look frothy and soft.

I haven't seen too many ice storms before this year. For a while we had a good deal of snow. Then we had... not so much snow. Now we have ice storms.

My parents are from Cape Girardieau, that's a college town two hours south. They used to listen to our weather forecasts in longing, wishing for snow. They used to take all the ice storms. It's moving north.

(See An Inconvenient Truth)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if only more of our handsomest politicians cared about global warming...