November 25, 2006

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe...

I've been feeling I should read it for fairness' sake. But I'm too old now, and it would be boring. So, I decided to read it in Spanish! It's an... okay... story, but I am learning a lot of very Quaint and British Spanish. See?

Sin Embargo - Anyhow
Gozar - To have, take pleasure in
Repisa - Ledge, Shelf, Mantlepiece
Desempolvar - To Dust
Sordo - Deaf
Pañuelo - Handkerchief, Scarf
Rincones - Nooks
Una Lechuza - Owl
Tejones - Badgers
Zorro - Fox
Peldaños - Rungs, Stairs
Abrigos - Cloaks, Overcoats
Colgado - Hanging

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