September 29, 2006


I haven't even started my job yet, and mom's trying to convince me to quit. She's got issues, I swear... she just doesn't want to accept that I'm at an age where I might have commitments that supercede our trips to the lake and such. That's okay... I'm fine with them leaving me at home when I go to the lake. But she's throwing a fit about it.

Furthermore, as a blatant, burning mark that her selfishness is the primary factor here, she brings up that I'm going to have to choose between my job and Racquetball, which makes no sense at all. Yes, I'll be doing two things. Hardly impossible. Yes, I'll occasionally have to miss a Tuesday or Thursday game for work. Layla missed half the Freshman games for Violin practice. Life goes on.

She's always wanted me to quit Racquetball, and does nothing to hide that fact. Why can't she accept that I have a life complete with interests and commitments?

1 comment:

Jimmy Archer said...

I don't understand this part either. Maybe it is because our parents haven't actually realized that we're growing up... or maybe we need to do more 'adult' things...?