February 03, 2010

Two Things to Blow Your Mind

1.) I just found out that most of my friends and I say chree, chractor, and chrick instead of tree, tractor, and trick. It's a subtle thing and at first I didn't really believe it. I can definitely pronounce tree, tractor, and trick without the 'sh' sound getting in there, but it feels stilted. The same goes for dry and drive becoming jry and jrive. I'm wondering whether this is a regional thing. See if you or people you know do it. (If you're not sure, say tree, chree, tree, chree, dry, jry, dry, jry) Thanks, Christy.


2.) Every time I catch a glimpse of a map in a mirror, it freaks me out a bit.

Doesn't it just look wrong? Especially North and South America?

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