August 31, 2009

Rose Bush

It's cold suddenly, as it shouldn't be in Missouri until October at the earliest.

And one day it drizzled, also a rare event. We felt as though we were walking through misters at an amusement park. One boy said he wished it would just rain, it would be better. I had to disagree. My socks were dry. :) Still, even our rains are more of a summer phenomenon. It was strange for it to be so cool so early and so wet so late.

On that drizzly day, I had to go to the student health center between classes. I debated running back for my jacket, then decided to push through. I took a funny turn, one I wouldn't have taken unless I had taken the middle road further than average, debating whether or not to head back to South.

And in an artificial canyon sheltered from the wind by two buildings, I came across a rosebush. The bright red flowers and deep green leaves were covered in silver droplets.

I had time, I stopped and stared. Two minutes went by. Then the wind came through a gap between the buildings and rustled the branches of my rosebush - the droplets lifted in a silver mist and washed over me.

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