August 29, 2009

My Life/Japan Stuff Coming: Tomorrow

Today Zahra and I went to Rock Bridge. I showed her around and we clambered all over the stream with remarkable surefootedness. ;) Then we studied a bit sitting on a large rock and utterly at the mercy of the sun, which seemed to regulate the temperature more than normal today.

I also cleaned a bit in the morning. It thrills me when my stuff is arranged nicely. But not in a satisfaction sort of way, more of a giggly, feel like I'm living in a hotel room kind of way. I never keep my stuff organized. I have a hard time remembering that this is my stuff. But it's also very nice to live in. In some ways it takes a lot of upkeep... or does it really? My mom always said that I'd never save a dollar driving around on empty, and she's right, of course, and I feel like it might apply in this case as well. If my room is a cesspool and I'm working each day to clear a walking path, does it ultimately require any less upkeep time than a more orderly room? A puzzle for the ages. So far I'm winning the struggle to be organized, just barely. And next week I get more money, which means printer plug ins and paper, a rolling organizer thing (which will help a lot... no more excuses for ANYTHING to just sit around), a paper towel holder, and a water boiler.

Tomorrow I've a bit of homework and I'm on call in the evening, but I'm also planning a writing frenzy. I want to finish the email to Liisa I'm more than halfway through, and I want to start writing about Japan. It's started hitting me. It was absolutely amazing and then I needed to concentrate on other stuff when I came home, so I distanced myself from it and it became not quite real. Now I'm having some sort of flashback. I can start remembering.

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