August 23, 2009

The Quiet Before the Storm

Classes start Monday. My God, that's tomorrow! I've been here for so long already that it's hard for me to believe that classes haven't started yet, but on the same token I'm getting used to life here without them. And that's dangerous - especially this weekend, when we're not completely swamped with reslife stuff and being tempted by freetime. That said, today I have to lead the first community meeting for our floor, and finish my syllabus and lesson plan for tomorrow. I also need to do a little bit of housekeeping and figure out where all my classes are, send a schedule to my mother, etc. And I haven't completely wasted the weekend. I cleaned my room pretty nicely, to the point where other than a bit of evil chaos under my bed, things look nice, and I can find everything, and it's actually relaxing to walk in. And I got to meet Zahra, which was lovely. :) I really hope she has a good experience here.:D

And finally I did a bit of grocery shopping, buying Nutella, seaweed, and a few of my favourite snacks from Japan from Chong's Market downtown. I bought Pepero (which is almost Pocky), Choco Boy Mushrooms (which are almost Mushroom Valley Mushrooms), and Korean Shrimp Flavoured Cracker (which are/is almost Japanese Shrimp Flavoured Cracker). So far I've only eaten the Pepero, which I remember happily eating all through last year. It tastes hard, dry. The chocolate is thin. Just - not quite as good. XD But happily I can get real Japanese Pocky at Wal Mart for only 2-3 times the price I paid in Japan. So it's all good. Mushrooms and Shrimp Crackers are more elusive, however, so I hope the knock off brands pull through. :) I wanted to buy Naan and Furikake as well, but I'm really quite thoroughly out of money until September, so I'll wait. :) And thank God for my meal plan.


Jimmy Archer said...

I wish you a fantastic year!

Literacultura said...

What's the Pocky price? at Walmart.
I get it for $3 and some cents at the FYE retail store.