August 01, 2009

The Japan Trip Comes to an End

I am still in Japan. This is probably the only post I`ll make from the country, and I think that`s a good thing! I wouldn`t want to have flown to the other side of the world only to lounge around online. I have so much to say about my trip! It`s been utterly fantastic. At the same time it`ll be good to go home. I`m dead tired, and I`m KNOWN for my long term stamina. We`ve pushed ourselves hard, and that can`t go on forever! I also need processing time - time to look through photos, write glowing reviews for the wonderful places we stayed, ate, or saw, time to remember, reflect. You might say I`m super-saturated. ;) 

I`m also starting to feel the pressure of the rapid approach of real life. I need to write emails to my FIG students. I got on blogger and all of the blogs I follow, including those of dear friends who I`ll need to catch up with, have moved on and have dozens of unread posts for me. My email inbox is overflowing. I`m super excited about next year, but I have two days to go from Japan to staff training, so that`ll hurt a bit!

I know this post is terribly disappointing for any readers wanting to hear about Japan. Soon, I promise. :D


Hans and Shinta said...

Hey girl,
Glad to know you enjoy Japan! Can't wait to hear all about it!

There's an award waiting for you at my blog

Quirky Nomad said...

Great to hear that you had a good time in Japan! I haven't been keeping up with the blogs I follow (or even my own!) but I can't wait to hear more about Japan. :)