March 03, 2007

Work Disaster!

So, I know I had today scheduled off. I know because originally I needed two days off in February, and one in March. So, I worked all the Saturdays in January. Then, I had a February off for San Antonio, and one off for State Tournament.

As it turns out, I didn't need the day off for State Tournament, but I did need a Saturday in March for Nationals. And, as it turns out, I already had that day off by default.

So I absolutely know I had today off, because the whole time I was negotiating to get my second March Saturday off, for Rome, I kept having to explain why I couldn't simply swap my default March day.

But somewhere in all of this either I had to get my dates confused, or Roz had to get my requested dates confused, or something... because this morning they called. O.O And said I was on the schedule.

And they were all like... Oh, it's no big deal... And I know they believe me that this was a mistake, and it probably isn't going to hurt me or anything, but...

1.) I really want to know how this happened!


2.) I feel like I've burned away my 'get out of jail free' card over this. It's all fine and good to be able to mess up once without repercussion, but once you do you feel so vulnerable!

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