March 17, 2007

Random Chart

I made up this chart of some basic phrases and some random words that I know and don't know in my four main languages, plus Japanese to show how much more I should know than I do. :P Please note that when I was thinking of random words I confess that some of the words came from words I randomly happened to know in Italian and Norwegian, so those two languages are slightly overrepresented. German, on the other hand, is underrepresented because I know my actual command of the language surpasses both my Norwegian and my Italian, though it's still kind of sad next to my Spanish which dies next to my English. Oh, well! :P

Spanish Italian German Norwegian Japanese
And Y E Und Og To
And You? Y Usted? E Lei? Und Ihnen? Og du?
Apple Manzana Mele Apfel Eple Ringo
Because Porque Perche Denn, Weil, Darum Fordi
Bird Pajaro

Blue Azul Azzuro, Blu Blaue Blå Aoi
Branch Rama Ramo

But Pero Ma Aber Men Demo
Cat Gato Gatto Katze Katt Neko
Caterpillar Gusano Bruco

Cherries Cerezas Le Ciliege Die Kirche

Cold Frio Freddo Kalt Kald
Colour Color Colore Farbe Farge
Cow Vaca Mucca Kau


Dog Perro Cane Hund Hund
Eagle Aguila Aquila
Firecracker Cohete

Flap Alear

Frog Rana Rana
Gold Oro Oro
Good Day Buenos Dias Buongiorno Guten Tag God Dag Konichiwa
Good Evening Buenas Tardes
Guten Abend
Good Night Buenos Noches Buonanotte Guten Nacht God Natt
Green Verde Verde Grün Grønne Aoi
He El Lui Er Han
Hello Hola Ciao Hallo Hei
Hot Acalorado Caldo Heiß Het
How Are You? Como esta? Come sta? Wie Geht's? Hvordan har du det? Genki desu ka?
I Yo Io Ich Jeg Watashi wa
I like you Me gustas
Du gefällst mir

I love you (a) Te Quiero
Ich Habe Dich Gern Jeg er glad I deg
I love you (b) Te Amo
Ich Liebe Dich Jeg elsker deg
I'm alright Bien Bene Mir geht ist gut. Godt Genki desu

Es Det, Den
Kiss Beso

Kite Cometa Acquilone
Papirdrage Tako

Lark Alondra

New Nuevo Nuovo Neue Ny

Old Viejo
Alt Gammel
Orange Anaranjado Aranciato
Painting Pintura

Purple Morado

Purpur, Lilla Murasaki
Red Rojo Rosso Rote Rød Akai
She La Lei Sie Hun
Squirrel Ardilla
Eichörnchen Ekorn
Stupid Estupido
Dumm Dum
Thank You Gracias Grazie Danke Takk Arigato
They Ellos
Sie De
Tree Arbol Arbole
We Nosotros Noi Wir Vi Watakushi wa
When Cuando Quando Wann Når
Where Donde Dove Wo Hvor
Who Quien
Wer Hvem
Why Por que Per che Warum Hvorfor
Yellow Amarillo Giallo Gelb Gul
You Tu Tu Du Du Anata wa
You all Vosotros Voi Ihr Dere
You formal Usted Lei Sie (De)
Young Joven


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