November 14, 2010

Last Days of Gianfranco

Gianfranco's going back to Italy on Tuesday. The house will certainly be quieter without him. I don't know if that makes me happy or sad. At least things will be cleaner. At least Ana won't blame Jaime or me for his dirty pots and pans anymore. But today for example he's watching Formula One in the living room and I'm doing some homework in the kitchen, its a rainy day and Jaime's off in Dublin and Ana's gone out, and it's nice to have him around. He's a nice guy, really. I almost start thinking I'll miss him until I realize that, even not in the room, he takes up 3/4 of the kitchen table with his box of cocoa krispies, the bag of cocoa krispies (laid beside the box and left open), a USB stick, two cell phones, a dirty spoon, a dirty mug, some sort of container, two used tissues, a receipt, the instructions for his cough medicine, his cough medicine, a marker, a camera, and a watch. So close to the end, it doesn't bother me anymore, almost makes me laugh.

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