November 16, 2010

The Gianfranco Family

Dinner with Gianfranco's parents last night. Ana served tortilla de patatas, black sausage (like in Scotland! ^^), and something I believe she called 'rellenos' that were little disks of very saffrony rice with a little tomato sauce. Todo tipico de aqui.

Gianfranco's parents were nice. Sometimes Gianfranco was translating, other times we were all managing to bridge the gap between the languages, narrow enough sometimes that particles can leap between them. I haven't thought about Italian since Italy - was that five years ago now? - and when I first entered I remembered nothing, but I snatched back a word here and a word there, and I had a few basic sentences by the time I left. Likewise 'mama' and 'papa' were trying their best to hispanicize their Italian. They invited me again and again to come stay with them in Rome. May do.

I took several group pictures. I used the tripod for the first time since getting to Spain. I put the pictures on Gianfranco's computer and signed his Spanish flag, said goodbye. Ciao, Gianfranco, it's been interesting. :)

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