November 17, 2010

Basque Flags

Long hair on the boys too, lots of black leather. They look and act like high schoolers. They move in mass, and quickly, laughing and giggling a little. One carries a big Basque flag, twisting in the wind and rain. Another carries a flag of Navarra.

A little further, down past the station and through Ciutadela, I see a second and bigger group. This group is carrying five Basque flags, a new one every thirty or forty students. My curiosity overwhelms me, and I ask the last girl why she's carrying it.

"It's the flag of the Basque Country." She tells me in English, in what sounds like a rehearsed line, giggling nervously with her friends. Silly foreigner doesn't even recognize their flag.

"I know," I tell them, in Spanish, "But why today?"

"Hoy? Pues porque hoy hay una huelga."

Of course.

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