November 25, 2008

High School Again

I went back up to the high school again today, as Eilken had invited me to lunch. She didn't know (not even Altadonna knew..!) that they were having a technology meeting at the time. So Lucía and I showed up, and received hugs from Altadonna and Kiser (who counted Uno y Dos as she embraced us each in turn). We sat near them at a very crowded table, which even included Mr. McAllister! :D You see, he left his position as a Latin teacher some time ago, but now he is a technology specialist, so that was funny.

Altadonna and Kiser pelted us with questions and such as the meeting went on. I actually spoke at one point to testify that most of the Mizzou students bring their laptops to class, and all of them are surfing facebook, as the issue at hand was the practicality of a completely on-line campus. As the meeting wound down, I pointed out for possibly the last time (and then what?) that the plaques listing the award winners still listed my name under French and Latin, instead of Spanish and Latin. :D

Lunch ended and some had to teach, so Altadonna and Lucía and I sat and talked for an hour or so. Kathryn came in, and we joked around about the days when she used to stalk me, and reminisced about the Costa Rica trip. Then as an hour ended the four of us (Kathryn had a friend - sister?) burst into Kiser's room rather unceremoniously. We said hello to a surprisingly friendly Matt Collegeman, and played with the Rock and all the old favourites of Sra. Kiser's room. Then she showed us the cutest of her new toys: a little bull who danced when you clapped twice for it. :D For the benefit of all, Lucía drew a picture of Jorge on the blackboard, and though she was trying to draw him as a chef, we all first mistook his apron for a diaper. XD

Our last stop was Smith, who fed us peanut-butter honey sandwiches and Apple Cider that we remembered fondly from the Beowulf dirge class. We met her sister at the end, though when she came we thought we'd better leave.

It was so good to see them all.

Afterwards we went to Lydia's house and drew some silly frog pictures together and Lucía and I couldn't stop laughing, until Lydia said, "Geeze! You two really ARE best friends, aren't you!"

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