January 22, 2006

Research Paper

We were encouraged to pick a topic we cared about, but predictably half the class picked global warming and obesity anyway. Erin tried to pick New Orleans, which she was from and all, and Sara is so into politics she did alright too. I picked something I might be a little too interested in... Monolingualism of United States Students. I need to remind myself I have other classes and that just because I can look up such things under the guise of homework doesn't mean I should :P

I'm finding some interesting things, though. More later, I'm sure ;)


Elindomiel said...

Unfair? To us, I hope you mean... I would kill to have it like they do in, say, Iran. (In this matter, at least). They grow up speaking Farsi, they all can read enough Arabic for the Koran, they have to take English, then they have to take at least one (Two is encouraged), extra languages!

Jimmy Archer said...

That sounds like an interesting topic! My classics prof was telling me about how grad students couldn't pass entry-level latin exams... and he was like, "It's just f---ing latin!" hehe...

On a side note, I sometimes think "normal talk", that is, the syntax used by the average person, is rather different from some of the more intellectual folk...

I'll browse some databases and let you know if I find anything interesting. :)