August 30, 2011


I want to make one of those motivational posters about this guy.

The word: Tenacity

This is my pet spider. He was living in my car's left side mirror when we got to the Lake House at the end of the summer. Since then, he's come with us to St. Louis and to Springfield and two and from Columbia twice. As of last night he's still living with me here at school. No, I haven't named him. I don't want to get too attached. If he's smart he'll move on to a more supportive and normal spider environment. Or he might starve in the Mizzou parking lot, or get picked off by a bird like my German pet spider in Bonn. He seems to be pretty able to handle my driving, though. When I get on the highway, he crawls up behind the mirror, then he climbs out again when I park for awhile. His web is really strong and if he's caught out on the line while I'm driving around, he hangs on for dear life.

He's awesome.

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