April 14, 2010

Error: Incompatibility

These are some of my favourite trees on campus (they have a lot of competition, too!). They've got very slender, very strong, twisted branches and they're wonderful to sit in.

This time of year in particular, the branches are covered densely in new green leaves and white blossoms, and hang like curtains. It's beautiful.

Some girls were sitting in one of them as I walked home from class yesterday. People don't do that enough, so normally I would be glad, but as it was I was jealous! I wish I could enjoy the fine weather and beautiful flowers. But we just don't get along.

These are such a nice orange! I can almost taste them when the sun shines through like this...

And these are all butter-yellow and are always swarming with bees and butterflies. ^^

Allergies are the cruelest joke. I'm strong, survive the cold winter, love it even - the greys, the whites, the way it makes brown seem warm and lovely and completely disarm me, leave me unprepared for the incredible beauty of the first green buds of spring... and then allergies arrive. They almost make me want to be dark, depressed, angry again so that I can close my heart to the beauty of spring and call it a choice. As it is, I just feel so excluded, so alien to this environment of sunshine, laughter, and organic healthiness.

Squirrels are rushing about with new energy... birds swoop recklessly in front of pedestrians, the sun glints off their feathers but they move too fast for you to even note their colour half the time...

Amidst all of this, I feel... incompatible with life.

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