October 04, 2009

School Update

I don't particularly love any of my classes this year. Okay, that's a lie. I enjoy Biological Anthropology. And I don't mind teaching my FIG class, either, although sometimes I wish I could have done it last year, or do it at least separated from the C.A. aspects of being a P.A., so that I could give it more energy. But Macro-Micro Economics, Cross Cultural Journalism (not my FIG), and Twentieth Century American History... they're just okay.

Last week I had tests in three out of four of my classes, which was lots of fun. Things didn't go as bad as they might have. I am not the best Journalism test taker (the peculiar mixture of specifics and 'understanding' sometimes trips me up), so I probably got a B on the test - will get a B in the class.

In Econ I surprised myself by getting an A in both the regular class test and the Journalism class test. This is supposed to be one of Journalism's hardest classes - everyone rants and raves about it except for fellow C.A. Kevin. So the idea of getting an A honestly didn't occur to me before I got these results back. Now I'm somewhat torn. Factoring in the weekly online quizzes, which I have had rather mixed results on, I think I have a low A now, but classes get harder as they go along. It's a five credit hour class and an A would be GREAT. On the other hand I'd have to drastically change my study habits and work hard to actually get one, whereas I could probably be fairly lazy and get a B. :S Oh, the choices...

History was kind of a wild card before the test. On one hand, I knew it was a totally normal class - not in the honors college, not in the J-school, not preceded by a reputation for impossibility. But you never know how these things are going to go. It's history - you can't have it memorized, so much depends on the whims of the professor. The test ended up being very merciful. I will be greatly surprised if I didn't ace it, and the whole grade in the class is two tests and an out of class essay. That's an A right there.

Biological Anthropology is lovely. It almost makes up for not having a Foreign Language class. ... Okay, so it doesn't. But it's still nice. I'll have an A unless something goes horribly, horribly wrong. And the best part is that it's a five credit hour course. :D

So basically, my goal for the semester was a 3.5. I am directly on course to receive that without much effort. However, if I work hard in Econ, a 3.8 is not out of reach. I honestly can't decide if the possibility is encouraging or annoying. It's tantalizing, that's for sure.

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