October 20, 2009

School Matters

I went to see my adviser yesterday. I have a bona-fide graduation plan now, and things are looking good. It turns out that I have taken or am now taking almost all the classes that I am dreading, which means the ones that are hardest for me. Even if the curriculum gets harder, I will do better in classes that I enjoy. The ones I am in now are making me miserable - it was nice to see on paper that that trend is ending. In particular, next semester all I have to do is get into my Journalism sequence. So I have to take a really easy one credit geology class, a news class (yikes!!), and that's... about it. The rest of the classes for next semester are completely up to me. I need one humanity, but I would take one humanity anyway. I'm so tempted to go insane and take a bunch of cool classes, but I know I shouldn't, because News is apparently like a six hour class, and I'll still be a C.A. I'll probably end up taking a humanity (hopefully that Catalan class?), a Spanish class, and a German class, to get ready for next year. That's only 13 credits altogether, a very light semester.

I'm not saying that my GPA is going to be terrible this year, but I would not be particularly surprised if it was as low as 3.1. Cross Cultural Journalism and Econ are both classes in which there's no shame in getting B's. In History I should get an A, and I should get an A in Biological Anthropology too, but it's not a sure thing. This combination would give me a 3.5. We'll see. Still, if I take 13 hours next semester, and most of them classes that I like, there's no reason why I shouldn't get a great GPA to sort of balance this one out. In retrospect it was maybe not a good idea to take mostly classes I disliked this semester, but that's that.

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