May 29, 2007

Puhun Kirjakieltä...

That means, "I talk like a book". In Finnish.

Finnish studies are going well, all things considered. Now that it is summer I really want to advance! :D I've been switching off between hard grammar (consonant gradation, vowel harmony, etc), and vocabulary learning, and I think it's going pretty well.

I still find the large differences between the spoken and written language to be daunting, however, especially as all the books teach 'their own' language. :P So I can either order special 'spoken language' books, or a slang dictionary, or I can just force it out of Liisa. :P

We'll have to see. For now, Puhun Kirjakieltä...

P.S. - First original sentence! * Ymmärrän kun puhut hitaasti *

This should mean, I understand when you talk slowly. Who knows. :P

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