January 15, 2012

Contentment doesn't cut it

There needs to be a word for that magical moment when you realize that you are in one of the most beautiful places in the entire world, that if you were anywhere else you would give almost anything to travel from there to here, that suddenly travelling the world seems a little less appealing.

It's no wonder "borte bra, men hjemme best" is a Norwegian saying...

P.S. The sun is out about 5 minutes longer every day that passes now. Incredible! And although the insulation is still not nearly up to Finnish or even American standards, it turns out that it actually does beat Spain. I didn't have the window closed as tightly as I could have. :) My bad.

And I went to IKEA and now I have something that more closely resembles a home. Sheets, trash can, etc. I even went crazy and bought an extra pillow for my incoming guests. Because I'm nice like that. :)

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