October 01, 2010

A Little Eustress

Sometimes you need some stress to actually get things done. Yesterday I was feeling stressed. I came home and ranted to my roommate for a little while and ate a snack, but then I actually did some things. I went online and checked my bank account, and set up a budget for the rest of the year. I called my mom and made her actually get Skype, and we talked and I now know what I'm doing for winter break. Today I bought a calendar and filled it in with due dates and other important information, because you know what, I am going to school here, and being more organized even than I am at home can only help. I tidied my room a bit yesterday and I plan to actually clean it today, and do some laundry, and cook a tortilla espanola so I can make sandwiches for the hike tomorrow. These were all things that needed to be done. ^^

The budget situation is better than it could be. As long as I don't go crazy with more than one or two long distance trips, concerts, or other pricey things, (or as long as I compensate with austerity later when I do), I should have enough to eat reasonably well, have fun with friends like a few cafes out a week and even a meal once in a while, and still take day trips on weekends... and I should be good through Spain, and Germany, even if my net income over winter break is 0. Still, I'd come back from Germany bankrupt, so it's better if I can get a job and make some money. Besides, there are so many little expenses you don't think about. I'm already about 70 Euros into additional school fees (we get charged for photocopy packets - sometimes up to 10 euros for the big ones... etc) that I haven't even told mom about because I feel bad. :P I was just planning to eat more potatoes and pasta... but now that I'm going to get a job over Winter Break its something I can cover anyway.

Things are good but I need to stay on top of them. :)

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