June 01, 2010

The SLR Difference

I need to go on a Facebook photo spree, firstly because I'm way way behind on several uploads, and secondly because it's getting harder and harder for me to handle looking at my point and shoot shots. Yes, already! And I'm getting so sad thinking that I went to Japan with just the point and shoot. Imagine the lovely pictures I might have taken! :) There were so many shots - like rainwater pooling in water lilies, or the stairs leading down to Otawa falls - that I imagined much nicer than they turned out, in the end, and now I know why.

It actually reminds me of 'siggies' - all the time and energy I spent making images to go in my signatures on forums, representing different characters. I admired all the other users siggies for a while before trying to make my own. I spent a good long time on my first few, they were the absolute best I could manage, and highly dependent on source images. I couldn't figure out why there was such a huge difference between my best, and the things some of the other user's were comparatively throwing together in seconds.

Then I realized - I was using Microsoft Paint. And they were using Adobe Photoshop.

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