August 30, 2012

Leftover Management

Back in school for my last year at Mizzou.

1.) Everything is going fine.

2.) I am insanely busy.

I also have to cook for myself now. This should be - I get to cook for myself now. But, see number 2 above.

And anyway for me it's always a matter of leftover management.

I don't eat enough at one time.

But I'm not complaining, it's cheaper this way and faster after the first time. I've really only made three seperate meals here:

1.) Spaghetti with ground-turkey marinara sauce -) leftover sauce over rice with fried egg (5 meals)
2.) Leftovers from Indian restaurant with more curry seasoning, tomato sauce, added chickpeas and mushrooms (3 meals post-restaurant)
3.) Thai tomato-vegetable soup with bamboo shoots, carrots, and peas (4 meals).

This last is non-intuitive but pretty damn tasty.

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