June 11, 2007

The End of Junior Year!

My Grades Came In. I Was Like...

oh... whatever...

:P The final count was this:

English - A
Chemistry - B
Math - C
Spanish - H
Comparative Gov - B
Health - A
German - A

GPA - 3.75

With the exception of Math, it was all the best that could have happened. I feel less angry at some teachers for being deceptive since it turned out okay in the end. I do feel like I was cheated out of a few O's, though. Wylie and Geldbach should have given me O's. :(

Ah well, my GPA is basically completely immobile. It's gone all the way from 3.6 Freshman year to 3.8 Sophomore year. Wow, what a swing. Still, I'm happy I kept it steady.

But not very happy. I hardly even care. Junior Year is OVER!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for the H in Spanish. I thought Wylie loved you, though--I don't see why she wouldn't have given you an 'O.'

How was your trip? I saw the pictures on Facebook, and you looked like you had fun.