June 11, 2005

Thoughts in California

A poorly typed (wrote on a little palm foldable keyboard), poorly phrased (wrote things right as they came), bit of inspiration from the hills of California, courtesy of Spring Break earlier this year.

Yosemite National Forest - March 28 2005

The things that challenge a writer - hills forever in red and gold, others in fresh green - every green. The rocky mountains a deep grey, with shining silver white watefalls cascading over and filling the valley below with mist like a pearl.

Feelings like this since the dawn of civilization artists, poets, writers, painters, musicians; all try so hard to be master of thier craft, to capture the feeling of the top of the world, where the sky meets the earth - that which god made they can only hope to capture a pale reflection of.

Here I find my own humble words slip away in awe of natures majesty, and its all I can do to capture the feeling of a feeling.

Sequoia National Forest, March 30 2005

By forces seemingly antagonistic and destructive, nature accomplishes her benificient design. Now a flood of fire, now a flood of ice, and again in the fullness of time, an outburst of organic life. John Muir - 1877

The world as a sandbox... having yet the power to sweep into impossible pinnacles of sheer rock without losing its unity.

Green rolling hills... laced with gold.

Here a dusky crimson flower joined the gold. She saw it first from afar - blending into the gold flowers.

Words cannot describe. Like the maps; its like the mountains on a map, but made real and huge and magnificent, and robed in a carpet of green with lacing gold and violet, and the thin twisting trunks of flowering trees.

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