March 09, 2005

Tolkiens Price

The other day I was looking at the largest section of my book collection, the Tolkien section. Now, it should be mentioned that my Tolkien section ALONE is almost ten times bigger than my entire Manga collection, putting things nicely in perspective.

I started doing a rough estimate on how much Tolkien has cost me over the years. I got worried when I hit 250$ and stopped counting. I was about halfway, and had only done the smaller, paperback books that far.

Then I realised; that was only the books. The dvds cost me another 150$ by their lonesomes. Then you take into account soundtracks, board games, bookmarks, and other propaganda including the ill-advised present of fellowship figurines a confused Ellie recieved for christmas a couple years ago... Your quickly going over 500$

Now I realise that some collectors of rare crap spend that much on a single item, but Ill remind you that Im a high school student who makes all her own freespending money, and thinks in terms of:

Small Purchase: Pocky 3$
Purchase: Paperback Book 7$
Large Purchase: Hardback Book 30$
Very Large Purchase: Playstation2 Game 50$
Mega-purchase: Console, Dvd Player, Portable Keyboard 200$

So 500$ for a single intrest is a lot; plus when tax, movie snacks, bandwithe, etc is figured in it probably cost more. O.o Not to mention that I wouldnt even have started collecting books w/o tolkien, nor would I be in to rpg video games...

Ai Elbereth! What I do for Tolkien!

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